Chios Legacy Gala
Join us in celebrating the Panchiaki Korais Society’s 113th anniversary at our newly rebranded Chios Legacy Gala: Honoring Heritage, Empowering Minds. This special event will take place on Saturday, January 11, 2025 at Leonard's Palazzo in Great Neck, New York.
The Chios Legacy Gala highlights our enduring commitment to preserving the rich traditions and history of Chios. Together, we aim to inspire and educate our members, ensuring the legacy of Chios thrives for future generations.
Commemoration of the 112th Anniversary of the Liberation of Chios
For many years after Greece’s War of Independence in 1821, the Aegean islands, including Chios, remained under Ottoman control. On November 11, 1912, during the First Balkan War, the Greek navy began its mission to liberate Chios. After weeks of intense battles, Ottoman forces surrendered on December 20, marking a new era of freedom for the island. November 11 has since held deep significance as Chios honors those who fought and sacrificed for its liberation, including the martyrs of the 1822 massacre.
Join us on Sunday, November 10, 2024, at the Church of the Holy Resurrection, 1400 Cedar Swamp Road, Brookville, NY 11545, for the 112th Anniversary of Chios’s Liberation. A memorial service and doxology will follow the Divine Liturgy.
Afterward, the Chian Federation and the Panchiaki Korais Society welcome you to a Cultural Event and Reception in the Church’s Fellowship Hall. Our keynote speaker, Dr. Angeliki Mastromichalaki will present “The History of Chios Through the History of its Unique Kampos,” exploring the island’s path to freedom. An English-language discussion will follow.
As the Academic Director of Ellinopoula, a digital platform promoting Greek language and culture for children, Dr. Mastromichalaki is renowned for her commitment to Greek heritage, especially among the diaspora. Her leadership in Greek education connects young learners worldwide to their roots.

112th Anniversary Dinner Dance
We’re excited to announce the date for our upcoming Dinner Dance to be held on Saturday January 20, 2024 at Leonard’s Palazzo in Great Neck.
Music will be provided by Power Station Entertainment.
We be recognizing the award recipients of our 2023 Educational Scholarship Program as well as make presentations of grants to the Greek Language Programs we support.
If you have questions, please call Elisavet Tzoumaka at 917-209-3330 or email: Koraisny@verizon.net .

Discover Adamantios Korais
Discover Adamantios Korais
The Panchiaki "Korais" Society of New York is proud to coordinate this presentation hosted by The Historic Central Public Library of Chios "Korais", Director Anna Chazari, and Angeliki Mastromichalaki.
For those who will be in Chios on August 3, we encourage you to come for an entertaining and educational experience on the life and works of Adamantios Korais.
For more information, email us at koraisny@verizon.net.

2023 International Chian Convention
The Panchiaki Korais Society is a proud member of the Chios Societies of the Americas & Canada who will be hosting our International Chian Convention in Chios this year from August 3 through 6. We have a variety of programs and events planned that will appeal to everyone. The following is preliminary schedule of events. More details to follow!
Thursday, August 3rd – Homerion Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Chios
5:30PM - 6:30PM Delegate Registration
6:30PM - 7:30PM Commencement of Convention. Greetings of Delegation, Honorees, and Guests
Thursday, August 3rd – Chandris Hotel
8:30PM Welcome Reception 50 euro/person
Friday August 4th – Walk For A Cause (Suggested Donation 20 euro /person)
10:00AM Agiasmos at future Autism Foundation Site: Stavrou Livanou 8, Chios 821 00, Greece
10:30AM-12:00PM Walk from Paralia to Plateia
Friday August 4th – Vrontados
5:00PM Young Adults Beach Party at Glaros
Friday August 4th – Open Theater Kardamyla "Adamantios Lemos"
7:00PM Remarks Prelude to Musical Program
7:15PM Kardamyla Youth Choir and Dance Group
Dinner follows in Kardamyla
Saturday, August 5th – Homerion Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Chios
11:00AM - 1:00PM Convention Meetings, Invited Speakers, Open Discussion
Saturday, August 5th - Golden Sand Hotel, Karfas 40 euro /person
8:00PM Enosis Omogenon Dance
Info/Tickets: Pantelis Bournias + 30 22710-82244, +30 6976360694 email: info@themoliotechniki.gr
Sunday, August 6th Agios Minas Monastery
9:30AM Divine Liturgy (Church Services) with Metropolitan Markos of Chios, Psara, & Oinousses
Placement of the Memorial Wreath, Tour
Sunday, August 6th Apomero in Kampos
2:00PM Bon Voyage Farewell
Convention Closes
Thursday, August 3rd - Saturday, August 5th – EXPO - Taste of Chios and Featured Organizations That We Support
6:00PM - 9:00PM Chios Central Square - Plateia
Thursday, August 3rd - Pre Convention - Koraes Library, Archeological Museum
10:00AM - 12:00PM Lecture on Adamantios Koraes
Monday, August 7th – Post-Convention - Nature Excursion - Reforestation - Panagia Sikelia - Exo Didima
Spend an afternoon watering replanted trees from the devastating forest fires of Chios
Monday, August 7th – Post-Convention - Mastiha Festival - Lithi
In the coming weeks leading up to the convention, subsequent guests and events, will be added to the program…
CLICK HERE to visit the Chios Societies of Americas and Canada website for more information.

111th Anniversary Dinner Dance
We’re excited to announce the date for our upcoming Dinner Dance to be held on Saturday January 14, 2023 at Leonard’s Palazzo in Great Neck. On this evening, we will be honoring our esteemed past-president, Captain Stelios Tatsis.
Music will be provided by Power Station Entertainment.
We will also recognize the award recipients of our 2022 Educational Scholarship Program.
Mark the date on your calendars. It is not too early to RSVP and contribute with a journal page or sponsorship.
For more information, click the image to go to the event page.
Ticket Pricing
$110 for Adults
$60 for Children and Young Adults (up to 25 years in age)
You can also register and pay online by clicking below.
If you have questions, please call Elisavet Tzoumaka at 917-209-3330 or email: Koraisny@verizon.net .

200 Year Anniversary / Commemoration of the Massacre of Chios of 1822
Panchiaki Korais Society, along with the Chian Federation and Chios Societies of America and Canada, will be co-hosting the commemoration of a very solemn and sobering event in our island’s history .
Church Service and Memorial will be at Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Astoria from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM.
Immediately following church services, we will be co-hosting a Program and Luncheon at The Chian Federation in Astoria.
Peter Gerazounis, president of the Panchiaki Korais Society, will be the keynote speaker presenting a thorough history of the tragedy including the events leading up to it as well as the outcome and impact it made on the history of Greece.
If you don’t attend church services, you may meet us at The Chian Federation. Program will begin around 11:00 AM.
This presentation will be primarily in English, and we hope to see many of our young adults participate and learn more about these significant events that shaped the course of our island and its history.
The event is by invitation only. You need to RSVP to chianfed@gmail.com or call The Chian Federation at 718-204-2550.

Greek Independence Day Parade 2022
We will be celebrating 201 years since the Revolution for Greek Independence.
Join us as we proudly march together as Greeks and Chians down 5th Avenue in New York City on June 5, 2022. The organizers of the parade are working hard to put together a spectacular event. Everyone’s participation and support is needed. Spread the word that all Greeks in the area should come to 5th Avenue to march or cheer on their fellow Greek-Americans.
Following the parade, a reception will be held at the Chian Cultural Center, hosted by the Chian Federation, Panchiaki Korais Society and Chios Societies of America and Canada. More details to follow.
There are three important fundraisers to support the parade financially:
A Gala will be held on Satuday, June 4th at the Hilton in New York City. They are expecting to have over 500 people at this event.
A commemorative journal is being produced and in need of sponsors.
20,000 raffle tickets have been printed and being sold.

110th Anniversary Dinner Dance
The Panchiaki "Korais" Society of New York is holding our 110th Anniversary Dinner Dance on Saturday, March 19th, 2022 at Leonard's Palazzo in Great Neck, NY. (Note this event has been rescheduled from our original January 8, 2022 date.)
Come enjoy an evening of music and dancing. Proceeds will benefit our Educational and Philanthropic programs.
Live music by Mylos Entertainment and DJ Sava.
Ticket Pricing
$110 for Adults
$60 for Children and Young Adults (up to 25 years in age)
To make this event a success, we rely on support from our sponsors. Please consider one of the following:
Benefactor: $2500 (includes 10 tickets to dance)
Sponsor:: $1000 (includes 2 tickets to dance)
Supporter: $500 (includes 1 ticket to dance)
Friend: $250
You can also register and pay online by clicking below.
If you have questions, please call Elisavet Tzoumaka at 917-209-3330 or email: Koraisny@verizon.net .

Commemoration of the Liberation of Chios
On Sunday, November 14th, 2021, the Panchiaki “Korais” Society and the Chian Federation will commemorate the 109th Anniversary of the Liberation of Chios at Transfiguration of Christ Greek Orthodox Church in Corona, New York.
We will celebrate the divine liturgy followed by a memorial service and doxology. After church we will hold a reception with a light lunch and brief program in the church hall.
To help us understand how many people will be in attendance, please RSVP as soon as possible to koraisny@verizon.net or call (718) 224-4846.

200th Anniversary of the Greek Revolution of 1821 - Virtual Event - The Island of Chios During the Greek Revolution
The Panchiaki Korais Society of New York is proud to co-host this virtual program with the Office of the Greek Education of the Holy Archdiocese of America, the Chian Federation of New York and the United Chios Societies of America and Canada.
1822 - The Massacres of Chios. An overcrowded land, sacrifice on the Altar of Freedom. Presented by Athena K. Zacharou - Loutrari, Dr. of History and Archaeology AUTh.
Shipping and Naval Struggles in Chios during the Ethnic Uprising. Presented by Aggeliki Mastromichalakis, Dr. of Philosophy and Paedogogy NKUA
Correspondence between Korais and Jefferson. The School of Chios. Presented by Kostas Merousis, Philologist
Heirlooms of “Korais” Public Central Historical Library, associated with the Revolution. Presented by Anna Haziri, Librarian P.E.
As Greeks, commemoration of the fight for our independence is so important not just as a celebration but as a constant reminder of how precious our independence is and how vigilant we must always stay so as not to lose it. We hope you can attend this event.
Use this link to join and view the program:
Passcode: 505301
ΖΗΤΩ οι ΗΡΩΕΣ του 21

Commemoration of the Liberation of Chios
On Sunday, November 15th, 2020, the Panchiaki “Korais” Society and the Chian Federation will commemorate the 108th Anniversary of the Liberation of Chios at Archangel Michael Church in Port Washington, New York. There will be an artoclassia and memorial service during the second liturgy. After church we will hold a reception and brief program in the church hall.
For social distancing purposes, everyone must register with the church in advance. Registration is through the church website at www..archangelmichaelchurch.org or at www.signupgenius.com/go/4090545a5a922aaf49-sunday21.
Similarly, attendance at the reception is limited to 50 people. To assure your place, please RSVP as soon as possible to koraisny@verizon.net or call (718) 224-4846.

North Aegean Relief Alliance - Migrant Crisis Awareness Rally
For years, the Greek islands of Chios, Lesvos and Samos have been bearing a tremendous economic, social and institutional burden from the heavy influx of migrants(and refugees). The over 40,000 migrants currently on the islands is overwhelming the native population. Processing and relocation does not happen fast enough to offset new arrivals each day. This is a crisis for both the migrants who live in inadequate facilities and the natives of the island who's economy and institutional infrastructure is overwhelmed. There is an urgent need to: Control the inflow of migrants who mostly travel the narrow straights from Turkey, quite dangerously, via smugglers who take advantage of them. Reduce the inflow of migrants. This may be through border patrol but more importantly a combination of increased and more effective efforts between the Greek government, the European Union and the United Nations to mitigate the circumstances by which these desperate people need to leave their own homelands. Reduce over-crowding by improving processing procedures, ensuring additional reception facilities in other EU countries and transport them there as quickly as possible. Philoxenia is a Greek word literally translated as "friend to a stranger" and is synonymous to hospitality. The people of our islands exhibit that every day. But it is unfair to take advantage of them and treat them like disposable pawns in a very serious game controlled by much larger and more powerful players. The events of the past week were the result of built-up tensions and an unfortunate flashpoint that is uncharacteristic of our society. Hopefully, it serves as a wake-up call for us all to work together for everyone's benefit and effect a positive outcome. These islands, other islands in the Aegean and areas on the mainland not only comprise much of Greece's border but also that of the European Union. They need support! The North Aegean Relief Alliance, made up of organizations representing each of the three islands, is holding an Awareness Rally on Sunday March 8th at Athens Square Park in Astoria, NY at 2 PM. Our goals for this day are to: Show our love, support and prayers for our friends and families on the islands. Raise awareness to the Greek, American and International communities. Effect changes and improvements to the methods currently employed for the benefit of the migrants, refugees and natives alike. The Panchiaki Korais Society of New York proudly stands by our fellow Chians and Greeks in support of a positive resolution to this crisis. Please join us on March 8th and show your support.

108th Anniversary Dinner Dance
The Panchiaki "Korais" Society of New York is holding our 108th Anniversary Dinner Dance on Saturday, February 1st, 2020 at Leonard's Palazzo in Great Neck, NY. Come enjoy an evening of music and dancing. Proceeds will benefit our Educational and Philanthropic programs. Music provided by Mylos Entertainment and DJ Savas with a special performance by Mikaela Astel (The Voice - Season 16).

Chios Young Adult Party
Join the Chian Young Adults at Astra Central Next Door.
Friday, December 27, 2019 from 8-12. (18 and over)
$25 Entrance Includes Greek/American DJ Music, Food and Door Prize Raffle Ticket (Winner receives two tickets to a Knicks Game).
Help them raise money to support the Panchiaki "Korais" Society of New York Educational Program.

Commemoration of the Liberation of Chios
On Sunday, November 10th, 2019, the Panchiaki “Korais” Society and the Chian Federation commemorated the 107th Anniversary of the Liberation of Chios at the Holy Cross Church in Whitestone, New York. We were honored with the presence of His Grace Bishop Apostolos of Medeia. After church we enjoyed lunch and a cultural program entitled “The Liberation of the Aegean Islands and the Megali Idea” presented by Dr. Christos P. Ioannides, Director, Center for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies at Queens College.

Panchiaki Korais Annual Dinner Dance
$100 for adults and $50 for children 12 years old and younger.
Korais Dance Group will perform. Music by Asteri with George Floradis on Klarino and Rena Tsapelas as female vocalist. This year, the Greek American Schools of the communities of St. Demetrios Merrick NY and Ascension Fairview NJ will receive the amount of $15,000 each.
Please call (917) 209.3330 for info or to reserve a table. This year’s honorees are Mr. Stavros Karatzas & Mr. Nick Menis.