2024 Educational Scholarship

The Panchiaki Korais Society has an over 100 year history of promoting philanthropic, cultural and educational endeavors. As part of our 2023 Scholarship program, we were delighted to award scholarships totaling $16,500 to twelve deserving students of Chian ancestry attending a college or university in the 2023-24 academic year. We hope the amount of the awards helped them with the financial burden of attending higher education.

We are excited to announce we are expanding our scholarship program in 2024 as follows:

  • Panchiaki Korais Educational Scholarship: Up to four scholarships, $2,500 each, shall be awarded to deserving students of Chian descent graduating high school or currently working on their undergraduate or graduate degree. Additional awards may be granted depending on quantity and quality of applications and available funds.

  • Aristotle Mirones, Sr. Memorial Scholarship: A separate award shall be made to one or more students of Chian ancestry challenged with a physical disability to help them achieve their educational and career goals.

  • James Pantelidis Memorial Scholarship: This additional award shall be made to a recipient of the Panchiaki Korais Educational Scholarship who sets themselves apart by exhibiting a love and dedication for their family, Church, and Greek and Chian heritage.

Eligible students must possess a cumulative “B” average or better who are either graduating high school and heading into or continuing an undergraduate or graduate program in the Fall of 2024. To provide opportunities to more students, those who were awarded a scholarship from our 2023 program are not eligible this year but are welcome to participate the following year.

Please click the link below to download our 2024 application.

Invitation Letter

2024 Scholarship Application

The deadline for submission is Friday, June 28, 2024.