Our History
On March 28, 1912 a handful of Chian-Americans realizing that only through cooperation and united effort among immigrants from the motherland, effective support and guidance among their members could be rendered, as well as material and moral assistance to their place of origin, proceeded with the founding of a Panchian Society. This Society was formally incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, as a non-profit, benevolent association, on April 8, 1916. The Certificate of Incorporation was subsequently amended on March 20, 1974 and again on May 7, 1975.
As stated in the First Article of the Certificate of Incorporation, the name of the Society is: The Panchiaki Korais Society, Inc. The Society's principal office is located in the City of New York. The emblem of the Society is the Sphinx.
Named after Adamantios Korais, Hero of the 1821 Independence of Greece from the Ottoman Empire, The Panchiaki Korais Society, Inc. is a philanthropic organization of descendants from the island of Chios.
In 2012, in addition to celebrating 100 years of Chian Indepedence from The Ottomans, the Society celebrated 100 years since its founding, reflecting on its core mission of receiving and collecting funds for charitable, religious, scientific and educational purposes, as well as inculcating in its members the traditions, history and customs of the Island of Chios and assure the continuance of the educational process of the history of Chios.
While the founding of the Society was driven by and identified as immigrants who recognized a need for support, companionship and fellowship in a country where they felt like outsiders, in order for the Society to be sustained and thrive, its identity has begun to evolve to that of American born Chian-Americans who are well established here but recognize the need to also maintain their identity as descendants of a rich and proud culture that comes from a beautiful island full of historical significance.